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Is Anesthesia Running Out of Gas? – Understanding The Pain Inflicted By The ‘Financialization’ Of Anesthesia

Currently, anesthesia is administered over one hundred million times annually in the U.S. That number has been climbing year-over-year and is expected to continue into the foreseeable future. Our population is aging. Every day, approximately 10,000 baby boomers retire and that population will balloon from 35.1 million in 2000 to over 69 million in 2030. Put simply, the demand for anesthesia services, especially for an aging population with medical needs, has never been higher. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital expenses are rising as health care staff leave medicine and their positions are filled often using costly temporary...

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Medical staff in a line with masks on

When is the Right Time for an Anesthesiologist to Become a Medical Director?

The journey of an anesthesiologist is one that demands expertise, precision, and a deep commitment to patient care. As these professionals progress in their careers, some may contemplate the next step: transitioning into a leadership role as a medical director. Employers typically seek medical director candidates with at least ten years of practical experience before considering them for this leadership role. Additionally, candidates are expected to adhere to state and board regulations, engage in ongoing education and training, and may benefit from supplementing their qualifications with an MBA focused on healthcare management or specialized certifications. However, these criteria extend beyond academic and...

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Medical staff in emergency room

Why Your Hospital’s Reputation Matters and How an Anesthesia Program Can Help

A hospital’s reputation is an invaluable asset that not only shapes the perspectives of patients but also influences the decisions of partners, families, existing medical providers, and potential new hires. In today’s digital age, where information is readily available, individuals have unprecedented access to data about where they receive care. Annual lists published by reputable sources such as U.S. News and Newsweek, along with online reports from health insurance companies, contribute to a vast pool of information accessible to the public. While various factors contribute to shaping a hospital’s reputation, including its location, financial stability, equipment, and staff, one aspect...

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Looking Ahead to 2024 and Our Mission to Serve the Servants

As we reflect on 2023, we are first and foremost struck with a deep appreciation for the sacrifice and dedication of our clinical providers and their commitment to compassionate care for the patients, administrators, surgeons, proceduralists, and nursing teams whom they serve every day. The formula is actually pretty simple. As an organization, Premier Anesthesia remains committed to serving these servants! We do that by keeping the focus where it belongs. We create tailored anesthesia solutions uniquely customized for each facility we partner with – and we help empower our clinicians to do what they do best! In September, I was privileged to...

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Beyond High Salaries and Sign-On Bonuses: What Attracts Anesthesia Providers?

Securing specialized medical professionals like anesthesiologists and CRNAs can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process for healthcare institutions. The scarcity and high demand for these essential practitioners mean that any delays in recruitment can have costly repercussions and affect patient care. While finding, interviewing, and bringing new anesthesiology staff on board can be a months-long, resource-draining process for healthcare facilities, it’s essential to recognize that anesthesia providers are seeking the right fit for themselves as well. The national average for an anesthesiologist salary is $425,700 and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) earn between $197,000 and $228,701 annually. However, these professionals...

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